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De novo WGS Mate Pair Sequencing

De novo sequencing is an important field for examining the genomes of organisms that do not have reference genomes readily available.

While it is possible to create an efficient map of the genome by piecing together NGS reads, numerous obstacles remain. The most prominent of these is the inability to link together short insert paired end reads into stretches that encompass the entire genome well enough to draw significant conclusions.

To accompany the needs of researchers in this field Microgem is now offering a mate pair sequencing option to improve de novo assemblies.

Mate pair reads are constructed by circularizing 3-25kb fragments and sequencing the ends, generating reads that are linked by an insert size of many thousand bases. This therefore unlocks the potential to link together contigs into larger “scaffolds” which cover larger portions of the genome.

By combining Microgem’s standard paired end sequencing with the new mate pair sequencing service, researchers can gain a more complete picture of the genome and take their research further.

Key features for WGS de novo sequencing service: 

  • >1 ug of high quality genomic DNA is acceptable starting material.
  • Generation of large insert paired sequences to span repetitive elements and other problematic genomic regions.
  • High quality, long contig assemblies from outstanding raw read accuracy and combination of short and long insert paired end libraries.
  • Gel-free protocol is available for lower input requirements.
  • Guaranteed, high-quality data read-out of sample(s).
  • Recommended to be ordered in addition to Microgem’s WGS service for de novo assembly.

Included in WGS de novo sequencing services 

  • Library Preparation using the Nextera Mate Pair Sample Prep Kit.
  • Sample QC (agarose gel electrophoresis) and sequencing QC (FastQC).
  • 3 months FREE storage of raw data.
  • Sequencing of more than 20 million mate pair reads can